dinsdag 14 oktober 2008


De Amerikaanse uitgevers van de NLT-bijbel (een soort Groot Nieuws Bijbel in het Engels) geven niet alleen leeswijzers en hulpmiddelen om de tekst te begrijpen, maar ze hebben ook waardevolle suggesties voor het onderhoud:

  • Bible Care Tips
  • As soon as you get your Bible home, we recommend “breaking it in”. This can add years of life to your Bible by making the spine more flexible. First, hold the closed Bible in one hand with the spine flat on a table. Then hold all of the pages together and let the covers slowly fall to the table. Next, take a section of pages from the front of the Bible and lay them down, running your fingers across the top page, near the crease, pressing gently. Still holding most of the pages upright in your hand, repeat, taking a section of pages from the back of the Bible. Continue repeating this process […].
  • Keep your Bible out of direct sunlight. Sunlight will cause the colors of the cover to fade.
  • Keep your Bible dry. Humidity and dampness will produce mold in your Bible. Exposure to water will also ripple pages and deform the book.
  • Do not drop your Bible, this causes both the cover and pages to loosen and come apart. Keep your Bible away from insects and pets; they love to chew on them!
  • If you store your Bible upright on a shelf, make sure it is supported by books on either side.
  • The best way to care for your leather Bible is to use it! The natural oils from your hands actually nourish the leather fibers. There is no need to apply any additional cream, oil, or wax.

Doe er je voordeel mee! Ik ben de rest van de avond drukdoende mijn bijbels te "breken".

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